
Remotely Debug ARM Cortex with Segger Tools

I recently discovered that SEGGER’s debugging tools can be used remotely! Refer to the official documentation for more details, but here my quick-start notes… Install My “server” machine is an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop across the room in the closet where I have my little electronics bench set up. I’ll need the JLink package installed on that system. The latest JLink version is v7.54a as of writing, but if you didn’t know, SEGGER updates their software quite frequently so be sure to check their website for any updates & bug fixes.

Fixing "Now Playing" feature on Google Pixel 3

My fix for Google Pixel Now Playing A few weeks ago, I noticed the Now Playing feature of my new Google Pixel 3 phone stopped working. The shortcut/icon was still on my home screen, however it hadn’t detected any songs recently. Testing if Now Playing is broken I wanted to quickly verify that the reason Now Playing history looked old was in fact because Now Playing had stopped working. It is possible for the phone to be muffled by a pocket or out of range and not detect songs.

Install Guild Wars 2 on Linux Mint

Only a few steps away from visiting [Tyria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyria_(world)) on an open-source OS!

PICAXE Microcontroller with Parallax Serial LCD Display

Use the Parallax LCD display with a PICAXE microcontroller.

Install Android Market on Coby Kyros MID7012 (or most other tablets running Android 2.3.3)

Get Android Market (Google Play App Store) on your older Android device!