Notes on Building HPM Baugh-Wooley Multiplier Generator

This blog post may not make complete sense if read by itself. These are my notes written while I was reading the HPM Baugh-Wooley Multiplier research papers and figuring out how I would generate a multiplier in C++ code. So to make sense of this, get a copy of the first paper in the list: “Multiplier Reduction Tree…”

Check out the FFT Generator project where this multiplier is intended to be used.

The papers:

Note that the 2D array of partial products looks kind of like an inverted pyramid. In the case of a 4-bit multiplier, where AAAA is the multiplicand and BBBB is the multiplier, the partial product array is created like this:

                                 A3        A2        A1        A0
X                                B3        B2        B1        B0
                              pp[0][3]  pp[0][2]  pp[0][1]  pp[0][0]
                    pp[1][3]  pp[1][2]  pp[1][1]  pp[1][0]
          pp[2][3]  pp[2][2]  pp[2][1]  pp[2][0]
pp[3][3]  pp[3][2]  pp[3][1]  pp[3][0]

But when we “flatten” the array, it looks like this:

   ^         ^         ^      pp[0][3]  pp[0][2]  pp[0][1]  pp[0][0]
   |         |      pp[1][3]  pp[1][2]  pp[1][1]  pp[1][0]
   |      pp[2][3]  pp[2][2]  pp[2][1]  pp[2][0]
pp[3][3]  pp[3][2]  pp[3][1]  pp[3][0]
pp[3][3]  pp[2][3]  pp[1][3]  pp[0][3]  pp[0][2]  pp[0][1]  pp[0][0]
          pp[3][2]  pp[2][2]  pp[1][2]  pp[1][1]  pp[1][0]
                    pp[3][1]  pp[2][1]  pp[2][0]

When we have an array of partial products to work with, we will group and remove the elements which will be plugged into adders. The sum and carry outputs of the adders will need to be appended to this array so that they may be used in the next level of adders.

We start with the uppermost adder level, which always has two adders: one half-adder and one full adder.

  • Generate partial products (PPs) in inverted pyramid layout (as shown visually above)
  • Determine how many levels of adders will be created
  • Set current_adder_level to the total number of levels to be created
  • Find tallest column. Call it Cm
  • Set col_left: Cm + 1
  • Set col_right: Cm
  • Create two half-adders (HAs)
    • Inputs for first HA are in column col_right rows 0 and 1
    • Inputs for second HA are in column col_left rows 0 and 1
    • Change second HA to “FA1” adder. This is a modified full-adder which technically has 3 inputs but one of them is set to a constant ‘1’ due to the Baugh-Wooley multiplier scheme. Because of this constant, some logic optimizations can be made, which is why the adder will be a separate, special module instead of a regular half or full adder.
  • Remove the PPs just assigned to the adders from the array
  • Flatten the array (slide the columns which now have empty elements “upwards”)
  • Insert sum of first HA at bottom of column col_right
  • Insert carry of first HA at bottom of column col_left
  • Insert sum of second HA at bottom of column col_left
  • Insert carry of second HA at bottom of column col_left + 1>
  • Decrement current_adder_level

Now that the top level half-adders have been created, we can begin to generate the other full and half adders until there are only 2 levels in the partial-product (PP) array.

  • While number of PP rows is > 2
    • Increment col_left
    • Decrement col_right
    • Create HA with inputs at row 0 and 1 of col_right
    • Remove the points at row 0 and 1 of col_right
    • Flatten()
    • Insert sum of HA at bottom of col_right
    • Insert carry of HA at bottom of col_right + 1
    • Set col_current: col_right
    • While (col_current <= col_left)
      • Create FA with inputs at row 0 and 1 of col_current
      • Remove the points at row 0 and 1 of col_current
      • Flatten()
      • Insert sum of FA at bottom of col_current
      • Insert carry of FA at bottom of col_current + 1
      • Increment col_current
    • Decrement current_adder_level
Alex Hogen
Embedded Firmware Engineer

My interests include music, embedded networking, and automated testing.

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